Gym Lothian Rd

Looking for Pet Friendly Gyms in Lothian Rd?

Health is not just about looking a certain way, it’s about a holistic approach to both physical & mental wellness. For most, pets play an integral part of this wellness. Are you thinking of joining a gym in Lothian Rd, here are some of our thoughts on pets in social spaces.


There is nothing like a global pandemic coupled with a national lockdown to bring us closer to our fellow housemates, human or otherwise. Whilst some of us enjoyed the company of siblings, parents, children or  spouses – solo home dwellers were not so fortunate, battling to make contact and stay in touch throughout isolation. Fortunately, animals have been undeniable human companions for centuries: cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, you name it! COVID changed our relationships with our pets. Day in and day out, whilst many found new and innovative ways to stay fit and healthy, it was their pets that played the integral role in maintaining their overall stability.


The Benefits of Pet Companionship.


People have been investigating the benefits of pet relationships for decades, trying to understand how these four-legged companions can have such a profound impact on their human counterparts. Studies have  indicated significant differences between those living with pets and those living without. Pets can help to reduce stress, introduce daily routines, lower blood pressure, increase serotonin and have serious mood-boosting effects on their owners. In some studies, elderly pet owners, those over 65, visited their doctors 30% less than those without pet companions.


Pets in Social Spaces.

A year or two later and we have re-acclimatised to many of the social spaces that we once knew; but why should our furry companions get left behind this time. As many of us established steadfast exercise routines during the lockdown, some alongside our pets, gym and wellness centres are on the rise once again. However, majority of these institutions have no desire to accommodate animals at their facilities, regardless of the wellness benefits it may present for their owners. Gyms in Lothian Rd should not be about looking a certain way or appearing more physically healthy than others: it should be about stress relief, enjoyment, adapting healthy lifestyle changes, and feeling better about yourself on the whole – and for many, their pets are a significant part of this holistic process.


Is your Pet FIT for the Gym in Lothian Rd?


Whilst many streamlined gym facilities do not allow for pet companionship during exercise, there are some pet friendly gyms in Lothian Rd that are incredibly open to furry friends – and more often than not, these gyms also adopt the holistic-wellness, community-centric approach to health. However, if you are thinking of going a pet friendly gym in Lothian Rd, there is one main factor to consider. Socialising animals for a working gym environment is important, essential even. It is important that your pet understands boundaries, body language, and how to be sociable with other animals. If you are considered about this, there are many helpful tips out there that you can utilise to get your pet fit for the gym.